How To Reset PS5 Controller – Most Easy Way In 2022

How to reset PS5 controller

Reset Your PS5 Controller

What Is PS5 Controller?

PS means PlayStation. And it the version 5. So that’s why people called it with shortcut PS5. On the PlayStation, You can play a lot of video games. it’s one of the most popular video games provider in the world. They have a few accessories. The most important accessory is the controller. With the PS5 controller, you can control the whole game from this device. 

Sometimes it happens even if you don’t want it to, the controller isn’t working, or you can’t play video games using the controller. It’s the worst this in the gaming experience. To fix issues you need to reset the PS5 controller.  This article will explain to you how you can reset your PS5 controller.

Why Reset PS5 Controller?

There could be several reasons that need you to reset ps5 controller. 

  • If it’s not working properly
  • some of the buttons are working and some are not working
  • If your controller isn’t charging
  • If your controller doing something wrong that you don’t want 
  • If your controller isn’t connecting with PS5
  • Also if your controller isn’t transferring data to PS5

And many other problems can happen with your PS5 controller. Hopefully, all problems will be solved after you reset PS5 controller.

Steps Of Reset Reset PS5 Controller

  1. Pressing on the Intersection


Pressing on the Intersection

How to reset ps5 controller

In this picture you can see the back part of the PS5 controller.

How to reset ps5 controller
  • Press into the hole using anything like a needle for 7 seconds
  • After 7 seconds reconnect to the controller to your PS5 
  • Then connect with your PS5 using a USB-C cable.

Now you’ll see your PS5 controller has been reset. And if also any problem exists before now it has been solved. 

Here is the video guide

Frequently Asked Questions ( FAQs )

  • Do I need to set up the PS5 controller again?

Yes. You need to set up the controller again like when you set it up after buying.

  • Still, I am having a problem after resetting the PS5 controller!

Then Please go to the Sony Support page.

  • Is there anything else I need to do for resetting the PS5?

Definitely not! This is the official setting of resetting a PS5 controller.

Good Bye!
Hossain Rifat
Hossain Rifat


Articles: 21

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